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Showing 97–120 of 9223372036854775807 resultsSorted by popularity
Hannes H. Gissurarson
Conservative Liberalism North & South
Schreier, Margrit
Qualitative Content Analysis in Practice
Beach, Derek
Process-Training Methods: Foundations
Lax, David & Sebenius, James
3D Negotiation
Applebaum, Anne
Autocracy, Inc.
Steingrímur J. Sigfússon
Fólk og flakk
Svavar Gestsson
Það sem sannara reynist
Levitsky, Steven
Tyranny of the Minority
Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson
Þjóðin og valdið: Fjölmiðlalögin og
Snyder, Timothy
On Freedom
Farrell, Henry
Underground Empire: How America
Guevara, Ernesto Che
Awakening of Latin America
Bogdal, Klaus-Michael
Europe and the Roma:
Klein, Naomi
Cheeseman, Nic
How to Rig an Election
Rynning, Sten
NATO – From Cold War to Ukraine
Global Justice
Davis, Aeron
Political Communication
Dunne, Tim
International Relations Theories:
Morone, James A.
By the People
Goldstein, Joshua,
International Relations, Global Edition
Eiríkur Bergman
Weaponizing Conspiracy Theories
Heather, Peter
Why Empires Fall: Rome, America and the
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