Landsins mesta úrval bóka
Showing 169–192 of 9223372036854775807 resultsSorted by popularity
Sigríður Víðis Jónsdóttir
Vegabréf: íslenskt. Frá Afganistan til
Kenealy, Daniel
European Union, The: How does it work?
Chibber, Vivek
Confronting Capitalism: How the World
Bratton, Benjamin
Revenge of the Real
Bradley,Gracie Mae
Against Borders: The Case for Abolition
Southwood, Russell
Africa 2.0: Inside a Continent’s
Short, Philip
Putin. His Life and Times
Browder, Bill
Hervik, Peter
Radicalization, Racism and Anti Racism
Baldur Þórhallsson et al.
Small States and the New Security
Leonard, Mark
Age of Unpeace, The: How Connectivity
Roy, Arundhati
AZADI: Freedom. Fascism. Fiction.
Holmes, Michael
European left and the financial crisis
Wheelersburg, Robert P.
Security of Iceland and the Arctic 2030:
Benedict, Helen
Map of Hope and Sorrow
Davis, Mike
Monster Enters
York, Jillian C.
Silicon Values
Ali, Tariq
Forty-Year War in Afghanistan
Melzer, Nils
Trial of Julian Assange
Blattman, Christopher
Why We Fight
Rachman, Gideon
Age of The Strongman
Harding, Luke
Shadow State
Hannes H. Gissurarson
Communism in Iceland 1918-1998
Bankahrunið 2008. Útdráttur úr skýrslu
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