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Showing 25–48 of 9223372036854775807 resultsSorted by popularity
Leaman, Oliver
Companion Encyclopedia of Middle Eastern
Shone, Tom
Tarantino: A Retrospective
Brooker, Charlie
Inside Black Mirror: The Illustrated Ora
Nichols, Bill
Introduction to Documentary
Eaton, Michael
Campbell, Mark
Parallax View, The
Wyatt, Justin
3 Women
Chiaramonte, Johan
Museum of Wes Anderson
Kendrick, James
Midnight Cowboy
Lash, Dominic
Polan, Dana
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
Pulp Fiction
Kermode, Mark
Shawshank Redemption
Koval, Wally
Accidentally Wes Anderson – Adventures
McLane, Betsy A.
New History of Documentary Film, A
Creed, Barbara
Monstrous Feminine, The
Mcgowan, Todd
Psychoanalytic Film Theory and The Rules
Ryan, Maureen A.
Producer to Producer
Mamet. David
On Directing Film
Starr, Liane Bonin
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Kirsch, Adam
Revolt Against Humanity
Waters, John
John Waters: Pope of Trash
Landy, Marcia
Imitations of Life
Kramer, Peter
2001: A Space Odyssey
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