Cooper, John O. (et al.)

Applied Behavior Analysis

12.995 kr.

Gravetter, Frederick J.

Research Methods For the Behavioural

13.995 kr.

Van der Kolk, Bessel

Body Keeps the Score, The

3.295 kr.

Shaughnessy, John J. (et al.)

Research Methods in Psychology

12.495 kr.

Schneider, Susan M. & Reyes, R

Science of Consequences

3.995 kr.

Mitchell, Mark L. (et al.)

Writing for Psychology

7.495 kr.

Conte, Jeffrey; Landy, Frank

Work in the 21st Century: An

11.995 kr.

Fennell, Melanie

Overcoming Low Self-Esteem

2.695 kr.

Braun, V. & Clarke, V.

Successful Qualitative Research

9.495 kr.

Lightfoot, Cynthia (et al.)

Development of Children, The

16.995 kr.

Kolk, Bessel van der

Líkaminn geymir allt

5.795 kr.

Inga Hrefna Jónsdóttir (et al.

HAM: Handbók um hugræna atferlismeðferð

6.795 kr.

Carlson, Neil R.

Physiology of Behavior

16.995 kr.
6.695 kr.

Walker, Matthew

Why We Sleep

2.395 kr.

Aronson (et al.)

Social Psychology

16.995 kr.
